Sunmeditation is the liberation of humanity from the dark sleep of ignorance of our spiritual existence that allows us to find the harmony and beauty of life.
We humans have become accustomed to experiencing that life is connected with joyless restrictions and painful bondages. With the eyes to the outer Sun, we awaken the Inner Sun, thus removing the shadows that lie on our thoughts, feelings and our body.
This unique method leads to mental peace, emotional balance and physical health, for advanced practitioners to Self-Realization, known as samadhi or enlightenment, and to the coming to life of the Godman within us, also called the Buddha-, Rainbow-, Dragonbody or Christ Consciousness.
Sun meditation can be practiced by beginners as well as advanced, no prior knowledge or preparation is necessary. Sun meditation has no limits in time, duration or application like all other methods and only after two days of the workshop, you are able to continue to practice independently, to deepen the connection to the sun and thus to your heart, the seat of the Self.
In many cultures, religions and self-knowledge practices, meditations on the sun and the light were a mostly misunderstood or secret practice. This workshop will teach and practice Sunmeditation, the most effective method in my experience, and for comparison and completeness, all other currently discovered methods in theory and practice, that are called Sunyoga, Solaryoga, Surya Yoga, Sungazing & Light Meditation. Sunmeditation is the only one that is taught purely on a donation basis always and everywhere and has solved all restrictions, such as the need to observe the afterglow or the need for indirect practice without direct view of the sun. However, if you want to take an initial step towards intellectual or practical steps, the following is recommended:
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In the workshop we will discuss and apply the following techniques:
The possibilities of Sunmeditation with & without the help of the sun:
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After this workshop, you will be able to continue practicing independently and you will not need another workshop to deepen your connection and knowledge of the sun.
Your companion |
Abuna Semai |
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translated: “Father of Hearts”
I started the Sungazing practice in 2009 as one of the first in Europe and finished the protocol two years later with ultimately 90 minutes direct glimpse into the sun, the double time allowed with this technique. At this time, I discovered that the practice with the sun offers much more potential – if you deal with it properly – more than any of all meditations I knew since then. After such a long duration of the effect of light on one’s own being, I experienced effects in all bodies such as extreme mental silence, emotional ecstasy in love, joy and peace, as well as physically a natural Pranayama: the complete stopping of the breath for longer periods.
All these were effects, which were later confirmed in Sunyoga of Sunyogi Umasankar. I brought this extraordinary Yogi to Europe for the first time in 2011 and organized his European workshops in the first years. I operated his english and german website and was the first to be appointed by him as a Sunyoga teacher. For several years I taught this in many countries. During this time some websites and a book were published, and I did my own research, which had its climax in self-realization during a longer retreat in the Thai monastery Wat Pa Tam Wua on 13.12.2013. Here I practiced Vipassana, Sunyoga and two of my own methods: The “Trinity” and “SAM” that practiced and researched “Spontaneous Animamotion” in parallel. The longest period I spent with direct view into the sun was 5 hours without interruption and without blindness, proven by a german eye doctor.
During an extraordinary solar meditation after my annual Tenerife Intensive Workshop the name “Abuna Semai” had been given to me in a dialogue with the sun, which was to be my teacher name from now on, and I was told to always teach on a donation basis and only when I was called.
I was never a fan of spiritual names, but since this came directly from the sun, I just couldn’t refuse.
Since then, I have taught Sunmeditation workshops worldwide without secular or spiritual entanglements – the knowledge is free, available to everyone, and is continually being deepened. The method has so far been simplified and deepened compared to Sungazing and Sunyoga in such a way that it received the more appropriate name: Sunmeditation.
Organizational costs may apply. Workshop content is always & everywhere purely on a donation basis.
Fri. 6:30 am – 7 pm &
Sat. 7:30 am – 3pm
(for Cairo)
Please be punctual, as we begin with the practice in the morning sun. After the course there is the possibility to meditate together again at 3 pm (recommended!). Duration of meditation: 1 hour, if the weather fits and we have not practiced before.