Why is all donation basis?
Not everything on this website is donation-based. However, everything, that effects the work of Abuna Semai and Laura – every workshop, accompaniment or online information that is presented from us. Everything. But not everything from other sources, such as the speeches & workshops of other speakers are fee based, yet very inexpensive.
So, the accurate question is:
Why is everything from you on donation basis?
The first and most important answer is: Because it came intuitively :).
On the 01/11/2015, I was meditating for ten days on a Vipassana-Course, like I am doing three times a year, that time in Sri Lanka. During that time, I was undertaking a Breatharianism week, so I was just consuming water (no, that is not the same as fasting). Approximately on the fourth day, a change of the meditation occurred from the Self, which I call “Godman Meditation” or short “The Plug”. (Attention, not “Gottman Rising”, which is the deepening of it.) In six days, I resolved more energetic blockades as summarized in barely 20 courses.
Furthermore, I was exploring how yogis were able to meditate for hours without any movement. After this was given to me, the inspiration came parallel, that from now on I should teach Sunmeditation purely on a donation basis to make this possible for all who ask for it. In the beginning I found this idea crazy and thought to myself, if I actually implement it, nobody will come to the workshop anymore, and if only strange people come and that won’t be enough at all to survive physically in the current system, blablabla :D. However: if one can once distinguish intuition from ego impulses, trust is greater than doubt. And so, I set the decision to follow the intuition with the certainty at that time that there would no longer be a Sunmeditation workshop. I didn’t tell anyone about it at first to let it work on me – and was not a little surprised that during my return flight from Sri Lanka, there was an email in my mailbox from someone who wanted to organize a Sunmeditation workshop for me! In 16 years of seminar activity this had never happened before. Such “coincidences” clearly show that it only took one Ok, so that what had long been prepared energetically, could take shape. Little by little the “Power of Free Will” workshop was added, the annual Tenerife accompaniment and the two-months course “Gottman Life”, whereby the organization costs for the last two are divided among all participants, because the contents are purely on a donation basis, yes, but for example a rental car must of course be paid by all of us, as long as I don’t get it also offered on a donation basis ;).
If I were to take over the worldly costs patronizingly, an energetic imbalance would arise, a guilt of the receiver towards the giver – which in turn could force me karmically into the future assumption of the compensation of this guilt… if there wasn’t forgiveness ;). Meanwhile, through the work of Laura, it is already the case here and there that workshop rooms are given to us on a donation basis. The miracle is expanding…
The second reason.
It is arrogant to take responsibility for the hearts of others!
Only one person can know how much something is worth to you: you. And that’s only after you have experienced something. That’s why my donations are only possible at the end of workshops, not at the beginning. The heart was given to you in your chest, so that you would take care of it, you alone – this means that you should be and remain pure with yourself, that is with your heart. It is you, who feels whether something is to be done or left, and if you have followed or not what you intuitively knew from your heart. That is the reason why we cannot give a value to an information or to the workshops being equal for everyone, since it will be given to each and every one from the inside. My and Laura’s job is to recognize the value of the information and practices to us alone, and that is enough for our hearts. As time goes by, you will feel more and more precisely when something was too little, too much or appropriate, because any other path will leave you in imbalance. Every imbalance in the heart produces karma – thus the plan B of compensation, the path of the old world with interest, instead of staying immediately pure in the heart here and now.
A third reason only became clear to me at my last paid workshop.
If I demand a fixed price in advance for an accompaniment or a workshop, as I have done for seventeen years before, I am forced to create an energetic balance for the paying people, which usually ends up with removing blockings from these people. The mandatory giving in the outside forces a mandatory taking in the inside for compensation. Ultimately, nobody benefits from this, even if it means that a problem of any kind is no longer present or at least diminished in the person and must be solved by me and in me, because the cause of a blockade cannot ever be removed by anyone due to the Free Will and therefore a healing effect is often only of short duration and it costs me more than can be paid with money, in my perception.
One fourth reason is,
because it corresponds to the “New World” and is no longer worked like in the old world to earn money for dreams, fears, aversions and desires, but we “work” because that is why we came to this planet, which is at the same time the expression of our highest ecstasy. That means: to do what you are here for is already the greatest possible reward inwardly & outwardly. Thus, the work is independent of whether it is liked (a social thumbs up ;)) or not, independent of any evaluation, acceptance or rejection. Everyone takes when he or she is enriched by it and leaves when he or she is not. Pretty much like picking an apple from a tree. This feeling of enrichment naturally gives rise to gratitude, which can then be shown in the form of donations.
A reason that directly concerns you,
because donating isn’t primarily important to the donor-taker: Regardless of which thing in your life, as soon as the heart feeling of imbalance between taking and giving prevails, a manifestation process starts that seeks to manifest exactly this, that is, a reflection of your own behavior towards yourself, and ultimately must be balanced one way or another. The longer one remains in such an imbalance, the more dramatic the gap between the IS and TO-BE state becomes, whereby the energetic balance grows. This is the reason why interest still enslaves us. So, someone who, for example, is afraid of the opposite sex, let’s say to address a woman, and cultivates this fear for years, usually needs more effort to encounter this fear than someone, who approaches it immediately. This principle can be easily remembered by the gardener: The later you remove the weed, the more effort it will take. Exponentially. The ego will make you believe that you don’t have enough to compensate – the usual “not enough” game. Of course, because the ego will never have enough – but the Self always, so give from the heart, not from the ego. “Not Enough” is in principle not possible for the Self, the heart, because as soon as the feeling of gratitude arises, it is also ready to express it, to live (and not just to feel) gratitude. If this gratitude is not expressed, one automatically expresses the opposite, the lack. Therefore, don’t try to balance gratitude with the head like “That’s not affordable, I don’t have that much”, that’s hypocrisy, a romantic ego-dramaqueen. But let your heart tell you what the compensation is. That may seem little to the head then – but it’s not about that :). It’s about being pure with your heart, not about being pure with your ego. This is a later necessity, but not the primary one. Only when the heart is in peace, also the ego is satisfied.
Last but not least, the main reason is that I consider the knowledge and the techniques to be priceless. How much are you convinced of something and enriched by it if you only pass it on with money in advance? I know that it is popular in pseudo-spiritual circles, that price gives you value, especially what you are “worth to yourself”. But it seems that there is no awareness of the effect of putting a price tag on your Self and what you are giving. What price tag does the sun need? What is its value? … I claim that, what has an inherent value and is really significant, needs and has no price tag. What price should one pay for such inestimable things, especially since the gift of this way to those who now pass it on is already the greatest feasible gift of being?
With a donation you support my work, the work from Laura and Gottmensch.de, for this you have the following possibilities:
All information on gottmensch.de is free, with the mentioned exceptions. We do not advertise, do not sell data, we are not for sale.
Some would like to give something, but are afraid to donate money and would rather send something else, like a book or a self-painted picture. As beautiful as this is, it is not possible for us to accept it. Our travels, meditation retreats and workshops are so time-consuming that I sold my condo, me and Laura no longer have a permanent residence and only travel with hand luggage – so the space is limited. And anyone who has ever travelled so minimalistic knows that you must pack very carefully and don’t take anything with you that isn’t actually used.
Karmic Greyzone, or how to get entangled in time through promises
The ego has only one intention: To steer you into ever deeper entanglements, to remain as unbalanced as possible towards your Self. One form of this is to make promises to others as well as to oneself – and not keeping them. Keeping this in the grey area between fulfillment promises and actual fulfillment is a fairly common egomechanism to protect oneself from the consequences of karma, but still remain in imbalance. Since an always “tomorrow will be balanced”. Postponing this until tomorrow is generally no stranger ;). Therefore we laid down the following rule:
If someone wants to donate freely from the heart, then this is possible from the time when we have given from the heart, for example after a workshop. But not for all eternity ;). Donations may therefore only be made within a week, after we have given, in order to strike a balance. The timelier, the more energetically effective for the donator, since the awareness of what he is doing is closer to the time higher than weeks later. Since we give unconditionally, there are no karmic effects in our direction. However, since most people are still very much tangled up in self-imposed conditions and are well aware of where they maintain a disharmony between taking and giving, the karmic law takes over to bring about the compensation for the one(s) after this week of donation opportunity. As usual. Everyone has the choice at any moment to go into peace with the Self or not. With this measure we do justice to this as naturally as possible and respect the Free Will of the person without, at the same time, supporting this form of ego veiling.
Why we call this „donation“ and not „appreciation“
The word “donation” can have a taste of need in our latitudes. However, this is not the case in all countries. In Buddhist countries for example, where monks and nuns live purely from donations, it is an honor for everyday people to be allowed to donate, mostly out of cultural custom, but often still in the knowledge that this also has an energetic effect on the donor, since he or she helps to make the world more ‘spiritual’ with his or her donation. Even if one does not meditate and contributes to a more harmonic world by purifying the mind, a donation is also a possibility to do something towards perfection, at least in this way. Since most people are still subject to karmic laws, they generate karma that will be beneficial in their future lives, since the physical support of a spiritual ministry – such as a donation to a meditator – is much more beneficial / creates much more stir than elsewhere.
There was a suggestion to exchange the word “donation” by “appreciation”. We do not consider this to be favorable, as it allows an energetic balance to take place on an emotional and ethical level, and assumes an appreciation of a donator and a disregard of a non-donor. A true appreciation, however, is not measured by donations, especially not by amount, but whether someone gives from the heart and sets out to approach the Self based on the unconditionally given. For example, someone who can only donate a little, but due to a workshop actively incorporates the insights and practices into life and strives for self-knowledge and the realization of the three Divine qualities “Consciously Peaceful Love Being” is far more appreciative than someone who gives a lot of money but uses none of the contents for himself. If we feel grateful for what we have received, we have the opportunity to show it through a donation, in order to give others access to this knowledge as well, and to deepen and perfect our knowledge further. Though, much more valuable and appreciative is our own striving to create inner and then outer paradise.
What are the donations used for?
We ourselves live exclusively from what is given to us from the heart. All donations are used so that we can continue to research and share our findings and practices without conditions to those who choose to do so for themselves. Donations from facilitations (workshops) are used to cover the organizational costs for the next facilitation of the same name. Donations are also used to fund larger projects, some of which are still in the making, such as the Heartquarter, Heartvipassana and the Karmafund.
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Besides all donation, the deepest gratitude and also your greatest service to your Self and to all beings remains always your own enlightenment. It is an honor for us to accompany you for a while.